Yes, consuming cannabis edibles can cause red or bloodshot eyes, similar to other methods of consuming cannabis. The redness in the eyes is a common side effect of cannabis use and is primarily caused by the dilation of blood vessels in the eyes with
When THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis) is consumed, it can lower blood pressure and increase blood flow, including in the blood vessels of the eyes. This dilation of blood vessels can lead to redness and noticeable bloodshot eyes.
It’s important to note that red eyes are not exclusive to edibles and can occur with any form of cannabis consumption, including smoking or vaping. However, edibles may sometimes result in more pronounced redness because the effects are typically stronger and longer-lasting compared to inhalation methods.
Do edibles make eyes red?
If you experience red eyes after consuming cannabis edibles, it is a temporary and harmless side effect. The redness should subside as the effects of the edibles wear off. If red eyes are a concern, you can try using over-the-counter eye drops specifically designed to alleviate redness.
It’s worth mentioning that red eyes should not be used as the sole indicator of cannabis use, as other factors such as allergies, fatigue, or eye irritation can also cause redness.
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